Friday, August 27, 2010

In Pittsburgh...!!

I am in Pittsburgh, PA this weekend visiting family. I love it here. In Pittsburgh I feel my energy replenishes. I feel inspired here... relaxed. I will get into the reasons of why I love this city later. Right now I just wanted to let you know, before I forget, that I LOVED the Warhol Museum. I had never been a Warhol girl myself, nor do I think I converted after my visit, but I definitely enjoyed it very much. I think it is very well curated, designed, and I think the people taking care of it really want the visitors to have a great idea. It is well organized in a way that everything makes the most sense. It is the ways things should be, but it doesn't fall short of expectations... I learned about things I didn't think I would, like when were video cameras available to consumers and the revolution this caused. I learned about unconventional media, unconventional subjects. I stole an idea for my daughter's second birthday party and an idea for my next (hopefully) halloween costume. In other words, it was inspiring in ways I didn't expect it to be.

I got Emma a great book. It is a about colors, not primary colors. Think your regular book about colors, but on crack. I hope she enjoys it.

Well, I gotta get some work done tonight so I can enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Going to the Zoo tomorrow, more museums on Sunday and Monday... a little more exploring and probably some ladies time with my mom (getting a mani, pedi and some make-up shopping and hopefully some shoe shopping too :))

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