Friday, August 27, 2010

In Pittsburgh...!!

I am in Pittsburgh, PA this weekend visiting family. I love it here. In Pittsburgh I feel my energy replenishes. I feel inspired here... relaxed. I will get into the reasons of why I love this city later. Right now I just wanted to let you know, before I forget, that I LOVED the Warhol Museum. I had never been a Warhol girl myself, nor do I think I converted after my visit, but I definitely enjoyed it very much. I think it is very well curated, designed, and I think the people taking care of it really want the visitors to have a great idea. It is well organized in a way that everything makes the most sense. It is the ways things should be, but it doesn't fall short of expectations... I learned about things I didn't think I would, like when were video cameras available to consumers and the revolution this caused. I learned about unconventional media, unconventional subjects. I stole an idea for my daughter's second birthday party and an idea for my next (hopefully) halloween costume. In other words, it was inspiring in ways I didn't expect it to be.

I got Emma a great book. It is a about colors, not primary colors. Think your regular book about colors, but on crack. I hope she enjoys it.

Well, I gotta get some work done tonight so I can enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Going to the Zoo tomorrow, more museums on Sunday and Monday... a little more exploring and probably some ladies time with my mom (getting a mani, pedi and some make-up shopping and hopefully some shoe shopping too :))

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Arcade Fire is one of my favorite bands of all time. Please enjoy their new album, The Suburbs, courtesy of NPR.

Let me know what do you think. <3

Monday, August 2, 2010

Smallbone of Devizes - Bedrooms and Dressing Rooms

Smallbone of Devizes - Bedrooms and Dressing Rooms

I had to fall in love with something that's physically out of reach, off course. The Shagreen collection is just dreamy! Although, I think I need not 'dream' about convincing Charlie about that one. I am sure he'd lean more towards the Alchemy collection... Please, give me ideas on how to convince my guy not only to like what I like but to LOVE it. hmmm

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Planning our apartment.

I have a new goal: have a beautifully furnished apartment by the end of the year. That might not seem like an aggressive goal for the average person, but it is for me (I have many other goals that share this due date).

I am very jealous (good jealous, if there is such a thing) of all my friends who have beautifully arranged living spaces. I have to admit - I don't know how they do it. Everybody seem to be as busy as I am, yet I don't seem to find time to browse for 'perfect' furniture pieces as they do, and let alone keeping everything clean and organized.

Earlier today I paid my hairdresser a well overdue visit. This guy works everyday except Mondays (when he seldom works from home) from around 10am until around 8:30-9:00pm, yet surprisingly (to me) he finds time to have an apartment decorated so thoughtfully as to be one of the coziest places I have in a long time. He is a 30 year single male, Ladies.

Anyway, although, I have yet to define the style I'd like for my home ('home' came way before I every planned it to), I am already looking at design blogs, magazines, tv shows, etc. I am going to look everywhere until I get the 'right' inspiration. I think, however, that I should start by speaking with Charles about what approach he'd like (me, us) to take; at the end of the day this is our home we are talking about here. First things first, though. we will have to agree on style and everything else will flow. flow, flow, flow...